OT: Digital Watch Recommendations?

From: chris <mythtech_at_mac.com>
Date: Thu Aug 1 14:50:24 2002

>I like BIG, HEAVY, INDUSTRIAL watches, so none of those effeminate
>little dressy things!

It isn't really gadgety... but I feel I need to say it anyway. DO NOT buy
a Pulsar Spoon watch.

They are more on the "dressy" side, but they are definitly big and
heavy... and they suck royal ass!!!

A friend of mine talked me into buying one (he used to sell them at an
upscale watch store, the place had things like Movado's and Rolex, and a
typical watch there was $4,000). I wanted a digital watch that went
against the norm and had a black display with highlighted numbers rather
than the norm grey/white display with shadowed numbers.

The spoon has that (black display, with a red light to illuminate the
numbers... display looks very much like an old LED TI calculator). It was
one of the cheapest watches they sold there at $160.

It broke about a month after I got it (light stopped working... and you
NEED the light to see the display). It went back, was repaired (after
about a 6 week wait). Then about 3 or 4 months later... broke again...
went back again, was repaired (another 6 weeks). Repeat as needed.

It has been back 4 times total... and as of right now, the light turns on
when you just brush the watch, and all other buttons work when they want
to. When I bitched to my friend that the watch sucks shit... he told me
"What do you expect for a $160 watch"... oh, I don't know... for $160 I
expect it will offer me head!

I am in the process of digging out my $20 Casio that I had prior... it
also had a black display (with grey numbers), and unlike this attractive
peice of shit on my wrist now... it worked just fine.

Received on Thu Aug 01 2002 - 14:50:24 BST

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