OT: Digital Watch Recommendations?

From: Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Thu Aug 1 16:20:01 2002

Bill Richman wrote:
> This is entirely OT, but since we're probably all gadget freaks here, I
> thought it would be a good place to ask. My "OnHand" PC watch recently
> bit the dust, so I'm in the market for a cool new toy to wear on my wrist.
> I've had various "DataBank" watches, a Timex DataLink, and the OnHand in
> the past. Not long ago I got a Kyocera PDA/Phone that handles most of the
> functions the watch used to provide, so now I'm just looking for something
> fun. I like BIG, HEAVY, INDUSTRIAL watches, so none of those effeminate
> little dressy things! I'm currently thinking about either a Casio camera
> watch, or a Timex "Internet Messenger" watch. Samsung has released a
> cell-phone watch in Japan, but not available in the US yet, priced at
> $1,000, and duplicates the function of my existing phone. Any
> suggestions?

You ask ... Nixie tube watch!
Received on Thu Aug 01 2002 - 16:20:01 BST

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