'Windowing' programs

From: Dan Wright <dtwright_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Thu Aug 15 09:27:00 2002

Patrick Finnegan said:
> If you're looking for REALLY bad Price/Performance ratios for "standard
> stuff," look at Sun's Blade 100s. I swear that an 300MHz Sun Ultra 5 is
> just as fast (and a helluva lot cheaper).

Huh? The Blade 100 is dirt cheap! Cheaper then a new Ultra 5! unless you're
talking about getting a used U5, and then well, I guess you have a point...

Not that I'd buy either one anyway... the UltraSparc III workstations are the
way to go. Sunblade 1000 or better for sure for my money :)

> -- Pat
- Dan Wright

-] ------------------------------ [-] -------------------------------- [-
``Weave a circle round him thrice, / And close your eyes with holy dread,
  For he on honeydew hath fed, / and drunk the milk of Paradise.''
       Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan
Received on Thu Aug 15 2002 - 09:27:00 BST

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