RT-11 Memory Issues

From: Zane H. Healy <healyzh_at_aracnet.com>
Date: Fri Aug 16 17:12:00 2002

> I've finally got this old PDP-11/24 up and running. The system has 1 meg of
> RAM, but keeps giving insufficient memory errors when trying to run various
> programs (like ADVENT.) I can't believe that ADVENTure would eat up more
> than 1 megabyte of ram. Is there some tuning bit that I am missing here?

Which monitor are you running? Also, what version? If running the RT11SJ or
RT11FB monitor, try RT11XM. Keep in mind that RT-11 is basically limited to
64k (IIRC), and has to do tricks to use more than that.

Received on Fri Aug 16 2002 - 17:12:00 BST

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