Wanted: Cromemco assistance

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Thu Aug 22 11:03:01 2002

> I can't help you with the front cover, but as far as the disk drive,
> probably any single-sided, single density 5.25" drive will do, such as a
> Tandon T100 (I hope I got the model right).

Some Chromemcos were DSDD (such as Tandon TM100-2 (aka PC 360K))

> I have various versions of Cromix on 5.25" and 8" disks, but will have to
> dig these out, and the chances of this happening in the next 2 months is
> close to zero :( Is that what they used for these systems, or did they
> use CP/M? In that case, again, I have the OS, but it will take a while to
> dig them out.

They also used CP/M.
There were a couple of different Cromemco CP/M formats SS, DS, ....
They made some dual processor systems Z80 + 68000, for a LOT more money
than the Radio Shack model 16 (a cheap dual processor)
Received on Thu Aug 22 2002 - 11:03:01 BST

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