Commodore 64 *is* heavenly! (was Re: Conclusion: Commodore 64 *is* lame!)

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Sat Aug 24 23:29:00 2002

> Worse, I can't get the video to work if I plug the cable into the back of
> the 1702. I can only get it to work with the composite connector on the
> front. Maybe it's because I still don't have the right cable. Whatever.
> This is a nightmare.

What is the switch setting in the back? Red to chroma, yellow to luma,
white to audio.

> See, this is why I have such a poor opinion of the Commodore 64. Sure,
> technically it's a nice computer. But practically, it's a pile of [...]

Now, please don't judge us by the oddities of our video ports :-)

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Wherever I go, there's I AM. -----------------------------------------------
Received on Sat Aug 24 2002 - 23:29:00 BST

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