reviving a HP 9000/310

From: <(>
Date: Tue Aug 27 01:05:00 2002

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 01:53:48AM +0100, Rumi Szabolcs wrote:
> Hello!
> What I currently need is either a way to crack into the
> HP-UX that is already installed on the box, or a floppy

Heh, my favourite part. This trick works with the bigger 300s and
HP-UXen from 7 to 9.

Power up, power off, power up, just before fsck start hitting Ctrl-C,
Ctrl-\, Ctrl-Break etc. If you're lucky you get # and you can fsck the
disks and do your stuff with /etc/passwd (no shadow with 5.x ??)

BTW, what HP-UX version does it have ?

Received on Tue Aug 27 2002 - 01:05:00 BST

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