[OT] UK TV Licenses (was Re: These darned old computers)

From: Antonio Carlini <Antonio.Carlini_at_riverstonenet.com>
Date: Tue Aug 27 08:03:00 2002

Joe wrote:
>>At 11:42 AM 8/27/02 +0100, Phil wrote:
>>Joe wrote:
>>> That's true but most products are still cheaper here than in the
>>> UK. Explain that one!
>>Three letters - VAT.
> BINGO! Like I said to begin with, it's all about government revenue!

The US generally has sales tax which (I believe) is
more or less exactly what VAT is (except VAT is 17.5%
and Sales Taxes are generally lower ...) so the difference
lies (mostly) elsewhere ...

Received on Tue Aug 27 2002 - 08:03:00 BST

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