Cybiko (was Modern replica/implementation of a dumb terminal?)

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Sun Dec 1 10:45:00 2002

> >ultra-cool features, such as
> ^^^^^^^^^^
> >setting up your profile and the profile of a romantic interest so that
> >when two Cybiko's that have matching profiles come within proximity of
> >each other they set off alarm bells.
> Ahh,.... I can envision circles in which that would not be classed as
> "ultra-cool".

The nice thing about that is, if the MOTAS really does own a Cybiko set
up like this, he/she must consider it 'ultra-cool' be default ... no
problem ;-)

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- In independent studies, research was found to cause cancer in rats. --------
Received on Sun Dec 01 2002 - 10:45:00 GMT

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