>From: "Philip Pemberton" <philpem_at_dsl.pipex.com>
>Right - thanks for the suggestions Peter (and Dwight). I've printed off your
>suggestions and I'll have a look through them tomorrow. The RAMs are
>soldered in, though, so it'll be very difficult to swap them. Plus the holes
>and pads on the board are *extremely* tiny.
>Guess I was jumping to conclusions a bit... Just out of interest, has anyone
>got a spare pair of 2732s and an EPROM burner capable of burning them? Just
>in case it turns out the ROMs (TI branded - getting quite warm, same as the
>CPU) are frazzled, too. Earliest I'll be able to get my sticky mitts on an
>EPROM programmer and some 2732s will be around the 25th (think about it)...
Hi Phil
You didn't mention where you were? You might be right
next door to someone that can help.
Received on Thu Dec 05 2002 - 18:51:01 GMT