--- Megan <mbg_at_theworld.com> wrote:
> >> > * I will no longer gripe about lack of funds in nearly every post.
> >:-)
> >>
> >> Yes, now you will move to the group that gripes about lack of spare
> >> time. :-)
> >
> >Allow me to welcome you to that group :^)
> While I, unfortunately, will soon join the group of those with worries
> about money and future because after 25 years with DEC/Compaq/HP, the
> company has decided to continue without me...
Sorry to hear that. I, too, am in the same boat - today a bunch of
us got the chop from CompuServe/AOL.
The fun is that (having been unemployed through the holidays 3 out of
the past 4 years) there will be nary a whisper of a hint of an interview
until several weeks into January.
I'm thinking of a trip to the South Pacific until the job market pulls
its head out of the Xmas punchbowl.
P.S. - that's two companies in a row that cancelled the holiday party
and had layoffs less than a week later. Nice timing.
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Received on Wed Dec 11 2002 - 18:43:00 GMT