OS/2 manuals

From: chris <cb_at_mythtech.net>
Date: Mon Dec 30 23:15:00 2002

Is there any interest or value in OS/2 manuals? I have a few OS/2 boxes,
and I am pretty sure the software is MIA (never had it, I pulled the
stuff from a dumpster long ago). I have decided I don't want to continue
to take up the shelf space, so I am trying to find out if there is any
interest in these kinds of things or should I just send them back to the

I don't want to go thru the effort of pulling the stuff out and listing
it if there is no interest (the last few items I've offered no one
wanted, guess I really DO just have junk). I don't currently know what
manuals, or to what versions of OS/2 they go (that is the step I am
trying to avoid if there is no interest... I just don't feel like having
yet another pile of crap under my desk until I get takers or get sick of

And of course, I would LOVE to find out that OS/2 manuals are worth
money... saving for a house when on an already strained budget is a bitch!

Received on Mon Dec 30 2002 - 23:15:00 GMT

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