Anyone have a Western Digital XT-IDE hard card or ROM image?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Mon Dec 30 23:00:01 2002

--- Don Maslin <> wrote:
> Ethan, I have an Acculogic XT-IDE which is purported to be
> interchangeable with the WD card that I can send you. The EPROM is
> soldered in place, so getting the image is not straight forward.

The card arrived today. It is a 100% knockoff of the WD card, the
biggest difference (besides the copyright notice) is the WD card has
a very smooth solder mask and the Acculogic has a pebbly one. It
works like a champ!

I also just got my Ming HT-21 handy tester back. The 74LS260 next
to the external power connector is fried. The other TTL test fine.
Don't know about the EPROM yet... will test that after I extract
the application from the WD98024X drive. Kermit (for non-obvious
reasons) chose to not preserve files when sent over an NE1000 to
my SPARCstation in binary mode, so I will be backing this drive up
via 1.44MB floppies and cutting a CD-R.

Thanks to all who helped and offered to help, especially Don.


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Received on Mon Dec 30 2002 - 23:00:01 GMT

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