GPIB cables (was Re: Screwed Again! Property dispo stuff...)

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Fri Feb 1 21:26:31 2002

--- Tony Duell <> wrote:
> > > Well, a very kind soul has informed me that this cable is a quasi
> > > rare item used to connect peripherals to Commodore PET systems, and
> > > apparently that they are worth a bit of money ($50-80).
> >
> > I would dispute the quasi-rare label. You can still buy as many as
> There are 2 types of Commodore GPIB cable. The PETs didn't have the
> conventional 24 pin Blue Ribbon connector, they had a card edge (OK, the
> 8032SK is the exception, it does have the Blue Ribbon connector). The
> peripherals all have the Blue Ribbon connector.

True... I wasn't thinking of the System cable.
> The 'conventional GPIB' cables are AFAIK still being made. I still see
> new test equipment with that interface, so I assume somebody is still
> making cables for it.

I presume so.
> The special 'first cable' is not that easy to find. I needed one for my
> P500, and I ended up having to make an adapter with an edge connector on
> one end and a 24 pin Blue Ribbon socket [1] on the other. I can then link

> normal GPIB cables up to that.

Years ago, when real Commodore cables cost real money, I made my own
cable out of a 24-pin edge connector with solder lugs, 24 individual wires
and a solder-cup Blue Ribbon connector (plus lots of tie wraps to hold
it together). Still have it. Haven't used it in years. I like your
idea better.

> [1] Have you tried getting the screwdown posts for GPIB sockets? Nobody
> seems to sell them. After a lot of looking, I ended up buyingf some
> stainless steel rod and an M3.5 tap....

Nope... I have the ones that came with the cables. Haven't lost any yet.


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Received on Fri Feb 01 2002 - 21:26:31 GMT

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