> > The 'conventional GPIB' cables are AFAIK still being made. I still see
> > new test equipment with that interface, so I assume somebody is still
> > making cables for it.
>I presume so.
GPIB -or- more commonly known as IEEE-488 in the instrumentation community,
is still being made.
In fact, it is the most common bus used for instrumentation calibration,
and is still used extensively for instrumentation automation and
manufacturing systems.
Finding GPIB/IEEE-488 cables is a trivial matter.....
Finding inexpensive cables is a different matter..... : )
- Matt
> > The special 'first cable' is not that easy to find. I needed one for my
> > P500, and I ended up having to make an adapter with an edge connector on
> > one end and a 24 pin Blue Ribbon socket [1] on the other. I can then link
> > normal GPIB cables up to that.
>Years ago, when real Commodore cables cost real money, I made my own
>cable out of a 24-pin edge connector with solder lugs, 24 individual wires
>and a solder-cup Blue Ribbon connector (plus lots of tie wraps to hold
>it together). Still have it. Haven't used it in years. I like your
>idea better.
> > [1] Have you tried getting the screwdown posts for GPIB sockets? Nobody
> > seems to sell them. After a lot of looking, I ended up buyingf some
> > stainless steel rod and an M3.5 tap....
>Nope... I have the ones that came with the cables. Haven't lost any yet.
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>Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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Received on Fri Feb 01 2002 - 21:57:06 GMT