HP-HIL adapter

From: Doc Shipley <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Sat Feb 2 03:08:49 2002

  I'm not sure this is quite 10 years old, but....
  I have an HP Apollo 9000/735 with the infamous HIL kbd/mouse port.
I've been running the thing headless since I got it because I can't
bring myself to pay the asking price for the "Localization Kits" out
  I've run across references to & pictures of an adapter that converts
HP-HIL to 2 PS/2 ports. Does anyone have the pinouts/schematic for this
critter? Or have one they don't want?

  Aquiring minds just want.

Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 03:08:49 GMT

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