SUN SCSI vs non-SUN?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Sat Feb 2 17:06:32 2002

--- Russ Blakeman <> wrote:
> That's basically what I was wanting to validate - I got 4 Sun badged
> Seagate ST19171WC drives... I wanted to make sure thet Sun
> din't have Seagate make them different to be of a proprietary nature. The
> place I got them from is going to ship 4 different ones on Monday.

AFAIK, while a Sun drive may have a drive ident string that mentions
"Sun" in one way or another (like the Seagate ST1488s that tell you they
are SUN424 drives), it's only important for ancient Sun formatting
software to figure out how to slice and dice the drives. Back in those
days, you had to have a proper entry in the "format.dat" file, and a
lot of effort went into maintaining those if you chose to buy non-Sun
drives (I went through it trying to put Sun0S 4.1.x on my first SPARC1
when I got a 1.8GB Quantum). I think the reason the old formatter
needed a format.dat file was all the SCSI bridge cards that would
not return enough info from an IDENT command (ACB-4000, etc).

With Solaris and its formatting program, if it's a new drive type,
you query the drive and partition it from there. One extra step.
No big deal.

I do not believe there are any protocol wierdnesses introduced on


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Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 17:06:32 GMT

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