That's what I thought too and everyone just helped me to validate that. The
seller is replacing these and I told him that I felt that the drive's
bearings were shot and that the drives don't spin up enough to
actuate/initialize. Once he sends me some from another lot I should have a
nice full server with 6 9.1's and 4 4.3's...
=> -----Original Message-----
=> From:
=> []On Behalf Of Ethan Dicks
=> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 5:07 PM
=> To:
=> Subject: RE: SUN SCSI vs non-SUN?
=> --- Russ Blakeman <> wrote:
=> > That's basically what I was wanting to validate - I got 4 Sun badged
=> > Seagate ST19171WC drives... I wanted to make sure thet Sun
=> > din't have Seagate make them different to be of a proprietary
=> nature. The
=> > place I got them from is going to ship 4 different ones on Monday.
=> AFAIK, while a Sun drive may have a drive ident string that mentions
=> "Sun" in one way or another (like the Seagate ST1488s that tell you they
=> are SUN424 drives), it's only important for ancient Sun formatting
=> software to figure out how to slice and dice the drives. Back in those
=> days, you had to have a proper entry in the "format.dat" file, and a
=> lot of effort went into maintaining those if you chose to buy non-Sun
=> drives (I went through it trying to put Sun0S 4.1.x on my first SPARC1
=> when I got a 1.8GB Quantum). I think the reason the old formatter
=> needed a format.dat file was all the SCSI bridge cards that would
=> not return enough info from an IDENT command (ACB-4000, etc).
=> With Solaris and its formatting program, if it's a new drive type,
=> you query the drive and partition it from there. One extra step.
=> No big deal.
=> I do not believe there are any protocol wierdnesses introduced on
=> purpose.
=> -ethan
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Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 21:23:22 GMT