> > That said, I enjoy IIsis and they are nice and small units. The first
> > Mac I actually owned was a IIsi. However, I have two IIcis -- one will
> > run A/UX soon, and the other runs NetBSD/mac68k and powers the
> > apartment network.
> I have 2 CI's siting on the shelf with an SI labelled as spare parts. I
> wasn't aware that the CI would run A/UX or BSD.
> With 32 Meg how well do these run?
> Does the CI equire any upgrades?
IIcis are optimal little 68k servers. They are probably as vanilla a Classic
Mac as you can get and virtually everything supports them.
NetBSD/mac68k will run just fine with as little as 8MB, and will boot in 4.
32MB is largesse. My IIci has a full 128MB and it uses just about none of
it :-) I strongly recommend NetBSD over Linux on the 68k Mac -- personal
preferences aside, NetBSD has been on the 68k Mac much longer and is much
more mature and supported.
You can upgrade the IIci if you like (my NetBSD IIci has a Daystar '030 50MHz
PDS accelerator + FPU) but not necessary. It runs fine as is.
A/UX likes being on IIcis also. I'm going to try installing it next week
sometime as soon as I build a boot CD and grab a spare HD from my shelf
stock to slap it on. If people are interested, I'll make a report.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- The Army needs leaders the way a foot needs a big toe. -- Bill Murray ------
Received on Sun Feb 03 2002 - 13:51:58 GMT