SOME ITEMs from another AOLamer
>John Lawson wrote:
> > I personally don't mind hitting DEL every week or two, but that's just me.
> > The biggest problem I see with moderation is the latency on this list is high
> > enough as it is-- witness the Bondwell. One moderator couldn't possibly
> > keep the messages flowing as fast as they come in. Perhaps a web gateway,
> If I understand the 'moderation' idea properly, it would apply only to
> posts from non-subscribed sources.. for those properly subscribed, Things
> would continue as they do now. So the entire message traffic would not
> flow past the moderation point; only them Furrinerz a-tryin' to rustle 'em
> up a few of our cows, dang varmints!
Jerome Fine replies:
I asked this before, but again:
(a) How many messages a week come from off list sources?
(b) Could a PRE-Subject addition be made for off-list messages? [OL]
Four characters would not be very much and would immediately identify
the source as being off-list. Anyone that wants to could just DEL or even
filter all of them. If the actual number is low enough, then moderation
may not even be needed so long as they are clearly identified?????
> Given that fairly low level of messages, it shouldn't be too onerous of
> a task.
Well, what was the expression: "When you are up to your eyeballs in
the swamp and the alligators are attacking, it is hard to remember your
original intention was to drain the swamp." Not politically correct these
days, of course.
> I still volunteer to put my time where my bytes are... a suitable
> message diversion scheme would have to be worked out, but I'm game to give
> it a try.
Any possibility of immediately tagging them all with [OL] Those not on the
list would not even know. And put in front of even an "Re:", it could easily
be left to identify the original source.
Can anyone comment on this?
Received on Sun Feb 03 2002 - 14:26:26 GMT
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