As many of you will attest, once you aquire one of something,
more soon follow. I've been wanting a NeXT Cube for over 10 years
and finally picked one up a few months ago. Now, thanks to Doc's
help, I've just aquired a second. This one is a much earlier machine
than my first one, with a serial# less than 5000 and unlike my first
it still retains it's '030 configuration and dual-OD faceplate.
Though missing the OD, which I do have a replacement for, it also has
the 40MB swap disk that NeXT started installing in Nov. 1989. It
also has the later drive tower with the 4 sets of mounting holes.
In comparison, my other Cube, which also started life as an
'030 machine, has a serial# of 16818 and had been upgraded to an '040
with the addition of the internal floppy and faceplate (though still
retaining the OD), as well as being further upgraded with the
NeXTdimension board.
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Received on Fri Feb 08 2002 - 11:33:32 GMT