On Feb 10, 10:10, Robert Schaefer wrote:
> From: "Pete Turnbull" <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
> > It's a pain to make proper AUI cables, but if they're short, you can
> > lower-quality cable. It's multiple coax inside. You should be able to
> > find the pinout easily enough on the 'net, eg
> I was wondering, because ISTR the conventional wisdom on cat5 patch cords
> to purchase 'em new-- more cost-effective than making & testing 'em
> in-house.
Yes, except if you can get the cable, (or cannibalise a very long one) it
might be cheaper to make your own AUI.
> The longest one I need is ~2m and the shortest would be ~.5m depending on
> how flexable the cabling is. Is there a shortest allowed length?
No, you can connect the transceiver directly to the computer's AUI socket
without any cable at all, providing there's room, you can get at the latch,
and it doesn't impose too much mechanical strain.
> My wife just asked for a cable modem, so network stuff
> seems a lot more interesting all of a sudden!
Don't hesitate!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Sun Feb 10 2002 - 11:16:00 GMT