THE best find of the weekend!

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Tue Feb 12 06:45:26 2002

> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Claude Ceccon wrote:
> > Glancing at their site, they have a number of Opto-22 boards. The
> > Opto-22 series have a number of inputs and outputs all optically
> > isolated. I've got a number of the modules if you are interested...
> I know just about everything there is to know about Opto22 I/O systems, if
> you need any help or programming docs or anything...

I used to use Quatech I/O boards containing various Opto22 modules
(and Quatech interface boards) to build materials handling systems
(White carosels, Buschman sorters, scales, etc).

But being a programmer and not an EE, I never understood why we
needed extra load in the A/C output modules to get a light to
turn on. With just a 110v lightbulb, we'd get nothing. But when
we plugged in a soldering iron into the same circuit, it would
turn on and off as we expected.

I can no longer recall how we solved this problem... ideas?

Received on Tue Feb 12 2002 - 06:45:26 GMT

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