SPAM - RFC from list admin
I have noticed a few pieces of spam lately on the list. Our mail server
checks all the normal relaying databases, so that has kept most of the spam
out for ages. However, now a few have trickled in and it bugs me a bit. In
the past it has been suggested that the list be closed - ie. only
subscribers could post to the list. I have always avoided that because
fairly frequently someone will post from a non-subscriber that they have
equipment available, and I don't want to take that opportunity away from the
list. I see two options:
1) I can close the list from non-subscriber posts
or perhaps
2) I can require non-subscriber posts be approved before I send them to the
I would prefer to do number 2 above. However, this does give me the ability
to occasionally see available equipment before the rest of the list. Of
course I wouldn't abuse this, but - I don't even want that perception.
So.... advice please?
Jay Wests
Received on Thu Feb 21 2002 - 08:31:52 GMT
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