Hep me!! scsi adapter DOS drivers (ot?)

From: Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Tue Jan 1 17:00:45 2002

On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> Why not simply use what ADAPTEC provides? There's nothing else that does
> the job better, though there are MANY driver sets that do it worse, notably
> the stuff from IOMEGA.

 Have to go with you on that one. One of my client businesses overrode
my recommendation to junk his Iomega Backup software because he was
familiar with it and likes the interface. Two months ago, his file
server spit a disk, mulptiple head crashes, and he's still regenerating
data. To the tune so far of 480 un-billable man-hours. And counting.
 Two of the tape media he was using were literally worn out (yes, again
over my instructions as to rotation), and the Iomega software was
writing data right through the bad spots, **With NO error output**
 I'll grant that without gross operator error, that one probably would
not have occurred. But I'd have never dreamed that a data-protection
program would write to bad media (you can SEE where that magnetic film
was worn through in spots) without throwing some kind of warning.

Received on Tue Jan 01 2002 - 17:00:45 GMT

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