VMS 6.1 S/W Kit

From: Carlini, Antonio <Antonio.Carlini_at_riverstonenet.com>
Date: Wed Jan 2 07:19:20 2002

+AD4- John Allain wrote:

+AD4-The two problems I'm aware of is that the CD's aren't
+AD4-9660 or PC compatible, so you need a VAX. Also most

There is a Windows (or DOS??) reader available
on the OpenVMS Freeware V4 CD at:


My recollection is that there was an even better
one on the V3 Freeware but I cannot locate it on the
V4 or V5 disks (I know some stuff was pruned to
make room for newer stuff).

Of course, once you get that far
you'll find that the binaries
are mostly OpenVMS BACKUP savesets
(and if they aren't, they'll be PCSI...)
and the docs are almost certainly in Bookreader
format (and the Windows Bookreader product
never made it out of the door).

You +ACo-might+ACo- be able to make some use of this
using the SIMH and TS10 VAX emulators, but
I've not got around to firing those
up yet and playing.

Received on Wed Jan 02 2002 - 07:19:20 GMT

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