>If one wanted to be "historically correct", which version
>would have been on a MicroVAX II during the time they
>were in production? How would you now get that version
>on a TK50 tape?
Well MicroVMS V1.0 was (IIRC) based on
VAX/VMS V4.0 with some bits cut out.
That probably shipped with the MicroVAX I.
The MicroVAX II came hot on its heels
(again, IIRC) so an early MicroVMS would
be appropriate. Good luck finding one.
By the time we were running our LAVC
with a MicroVAX II and a VS2000 in
1987 in the UK, VAX/VMS V4.5 was current
and shipped with our MicroVAX II. It
needed to be upgraded to either V4.5B
or V4.5C to support the VS2K or the
VS2K in a LAVC (I forget the exact issue,
I do remember it was the first upgrade
that I ever did).
Received on Wed Jan 02 2002 - 07:22:06 GMT
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