>>what should you
>> call a Yo-Yo? (just seeing how many people know the answer to this one)
>Who knows? It's a YoYo here too.
It was a trick question
The correct answer is still YoYo. The YoYo was invented by/originally
sold by the YoYo company. They only made the one self named toy. Duncan
later came out with the same toy (capatalizing on the the success), and
called it a YoYo since that is all people knew it by. YoYo Corp failed to
sue in a timely manner (because they were getting recognition for every
sale, not just their own). When Duncan started to beat them out, they
then sued for trademark infringement, but lost, because it was deemed too
Thus YoYo became not only the name of the manufacturer, but officially
the name of the toy as well.
Frisbee is a similar situation, there is no other "offical" name for the
flying disc toy
Received on Wed Jan 02 2002 - 12:07:51 GMT