--- "Cini, Richard" <RCini_at_congressfinancial.com> wrote:
> Ethan:
> I may actually have a copy of the Cheap Video Cookbook that I got
> with the TVT6 board for the KIM that I have (unbuilt in the package --
> it's killing me). Is it black with a multi-color image on the front?
Yes. My Cookbook looks like that. I have a TVT-6 that I purchased
and assembled in high-school. Never powered it on. After I got it,
I couldn't convince my mother to let me mod a TV set. She freaked
out at the idea of me cutting into something with *voltage* in it!
What I don't have is "Son of Cheap Video"
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Received on Wed Jan 02 2002 - 23:52:05 GMT