Trailing-edge compute farm seeks gainful employment

From: Doc <>
Date: Thu Jan 3 10:46:37 2002

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> Get used to it, folks ... it's that "text-messaging" mentality taking over.

 OK. But "getting used to it" in no way implies "sitting still for it".
 I kind of enjoy the fact that I think & speak hillbilly. I flatter
myself that I can still impart that regional flavor, when I want, to my
communication without trashing my grammar and spelling.
 As far as 3V17 H4x0r language, or a wannabe ee cummins, I
just put 'em on Ig and forget 'em.

Received on Thu Jan 03 2002 - 10:46:37 GMT

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