On Jan 6, 22:32, SP wrote:
> * Somebody spoke about a possible modification of the U55 chip.
If that was me, I picked the wrong chip. The one that's usually changed,
to give a different address, is the PROM at U38, 91265D -> 91578A.
> 25U-91353
> 69U-91354A
> 64U-91355
> 21U-91356
> 22U-91357
> 55U-91358
Those all look standard to me. Anyone else got a DQ614 to compare?
> The question is: Could be used some XXDP diagnostic to determine
> the possible problem of the board that I told in my previous message
> about it ?
It might work. It might not. The DEC diagnostics make use of specific
facilities in the RLV (QBus) controllers that aren't in the RL (Unibus)
controllers, and may or may not be in a 3rd party device. The early
diagnostics only cover RL01s and RL11/RLV11:
ZRLA?? Controller Test Part 1
ZRLB?? Controller Test Part 2
ZRLC?? Drive Test Part 1
ZRLD?? Drive Test Part 2
ZRLE?? Performance Exerciser
ZRLF?? Compatibility Test
where ?? means any revision (a single letter) and any patch level (single
digit), as usual for XXDP.
The Performance Exerciser would probably work *once the disk is formatted*,
as it just does a lot of read/write/seek tests. The compatibility test is
pointless for a DQ614 as it tests moving packs between drives.
The later diagnostics are for RLO1s or RL02s and RL11/RLV11/RLV12. There's
an extra program to allow you to read and write the Bad Sector Table which
exists on a real RL02:
ZRLG?? Controller Test Part 1
ZRLH?? Controller Test Part 2
ZRLI?? Drive Test Part 1
ZRLJ?? Drive Test Part 2
ZRLK?? Performance Exerciser
ZRLL?? Compatibility Test
ZRLM?? Bad Sector Utility
Finally, there's a pair of diskless tests written specifically to cope with
differences between Unibus and QBus controllers:
VRLA?? Diskless Test 1
VRLB?? Diskless Test 2
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Sun Jan 06 2002 - 19:35:10 GMT