On Jan 6, 17:58, Tom Leffingwell wrote:
> Does anyone have a list of the function of the switch settings on
> the PDP DRV11-B / M7950 card?
The smaller switch, S1, controls the vector. S1-1 to S1-8 correspond to
bits 9 to 2 of the vector, respectively. ON sets a '1' in the
corresponding bit position. Default is OFF, OFF, OFF, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON
= 00010101 which gives a vector of 000124.
The larger switch, S2, controls the base address. The DRV11-B has 5
registers, with factory-standard addresses as follows:
WCR Word Count Register 772410
BAR Bus Address Register 772412
CSR Control and Status Register 772414
IDBR Input Data Buffer Register 772416
ODBR Output Data Buffer Register 772420
Note that the CSR is not the first address.
S2-1 to S2-10 correspond to bits 12 to 3 in the base address. ON sets a
'1' in the corresponding bit position. Bits 15-13 are fixed at '1'.
Default is ON, OFF, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, ON = 1010100001,
which gives 172410 (corresponds to 772410 with 18-bit addressing).
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Sun Jan 06 2002 - 20:08:10 GMT