Almost On-Topic: DEC AHA1742B Firmware

From: Tothwolf <>
Date: Sun Jan 6 19:47:42 2002

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Doc wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Tothwolf wrote:
> > I may have some other models of Adaptec EISA SCSI boards in the same box,
> > I'll have to look. I tend to collect odd boards for PC stuff to test Linux
> > and BSD drivers.
> I forgot to mention that AFAICT, DEC uses custom microcode with these,
> because when I tried to use the version "I" microcode off Adaptec's
> site, even OpenVMS 7.2 wouldn't install anymore. My experience with
> Digital Unix and OpenVMS 7.2 on an Aspen Alpine and a 164LX tend to
> support that idea. What I'd really like to find is Compaq's archive
> stash. If any of that still exists.

Well, I found my box of boards, and it had 2 more AHA-1742A and 7
AHA-1740A boards. I haven't yet found a 1740B or 1742B in any of my boxes,
but I'll keep a look out and let you know if one turns up, that is, if you
still need the bios and microcode images.

I also found a pair of AHA-2742AT EISA SCSI controllers. Anyone familiar
with these?

Received on Sun Jan 06 2002 - 19:47:42 GMT

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