VAX 11/780s - Masscomp - Valid equipment available

From: Jeffrey S. Sharp <>
Date: Wed Jan 9 13:35:49 2002

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Gunther Schadow wrote:

> So, Jeffrey Sharp, we can help you out.

I'm interested. I'll contact you off-list.

> Oh my, what am I going to do with my VAX6520 and the HSC90
> and the other Dataproducts printer?

I've always thought it would be fun to build a starship simulator. It
would be a big room somewhat like a cross between a Star Trek bridge and
the big control room of the Alexiy Leonov from 2010, and it would allow
the occupants to be virtually 'inside' their own sci-fi adventure. It
would accomodate 4 to 8 occupants and require them to work as a team to
complete a mission or win a battle. Mount the room on hydraulic
doohickeys that will shift the room about as needed, build in a capability
for the room to partially blow itself to bits (and be easily reassembled
later), and you've got something quite fun. Think 'Kobiyashi Maru'.

I want to control most of it with on-topic machines. A big VAX would be
nice for that. About the only thing I can think of that would need a
modern machine for is the viewscreen. I'll need a box with godly 3D
capabilities if I want the universe to look realistic in real time.

Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Wed Jan 09 2002 - 13:35:49 GMT

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