>While I generally refrain from joining OT posts, this one I have to. I
>bought an Inspiron from Dell a few
>months ago. The invoice added $1000 to the price!
>I called them, and after being on hold for an hour, they agreed it was a
>mistake, and said they would credit
>my account.
>Two months later, no credit! I called again, and after an hour on hold,
>was told I was not credited, because
>I had not proved to them what their price was!!!! They said they could
>not verify the price, unless I faxed
>them the "Quote". The price was posted on their website!!!! There was no
>written quote!!!!
>I said I would fax them a picture of their web page (which I had made).
>The fax was a toll call!!!
>I am still waiting for the refund.
>I categorize them as crooks.
I am assuming you called your credit card company as soon as you saw this
charge and had it marked as under dispute?
Received on Wed Jan 09 2002 - 18:26:13 GMT