Somebidy has one unused rackable BA23
for sale/trade/donate ?
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Matt London <>
Para: <>
Fecha: viernes, 11 de enero de 2002 0:07
Asunto: Re: What to do with an empty BA23
>> > If all else fails, anyone think of
>> > an alternative use for a BA23? :&)
>> According to:
>> Is it the blank rackmountable case, or do you have the plastic revetment
>> with foor stand? If yes put a pillow on it and you have a nice seat.
>> That was what I used my BA23 for at the LinuxTag 2000. I had a MV II in
>> it running 4.3BSD-Tahoe. Quite funny. Especially as it attracted other
>> geeks. (Including a bearded man with a RedHat... :-) )
>Nah - it's rackmount :&)
>I met / chatted to a bearded man with a RedHat after Linux Expo 2000 in a
>pub - it was Alan Cox :&)
>-- Matt
>Web Page:
Received on Fri Jan 11 2002 - 00:23:19 GMT