--- "Jeffrey S. Sharp" <jss_at_subatomix.com> wrote:
> Lawrence LeMay said:
> > Cmon, what could possibly be less valuable than an Apple ][+? A C64
> > perhaps...
> Old printer ribbons.
I have a box of those - strangely enough for the AppleII and the C-64 -
they are really NOS, but _I've_ had them for 10 years. I have no idea
if the ink still contains enough solvent to transfer, but at least the
cloth is unused.
If anyone is looking for vintage 1988 dot matrix ribbons for things
like the Imagewriter and/or CBM printers, let me know and I'll dig through
the box to see what models are represented. I figure a buck each plus
shipping ought to provide enough motivation to go digging.
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Received on Thu Jan 24 2002 - 16:06:55 GMT