Dot matrix printer ribbons (was Re: LEAST valuable collectibles (was: Apple II boards)

From: Gary Hildebrand <>
Date: Thu Jan 24 17:33:28 2002

> I have a box of those - strangely enough for the AppleII and the C-64 -
> they are really NOS, but _I've_ had them for 10 years. I have no idea
> if the ink still contains enough solvent to transfer, but at least the
> cloth is unused.
> If anyone is looking for vintage 1988 dot matrix ribbons for things
> like the Imagewriter and/or CBM printers, let me know and I'll dig through
> the box to see what models are represented. I figure a buck each plus
> shipping ought to provide enough motivation to go digging.
> -ethan

I'm interested, in ribbons for the cmmodore 1526, same as my Mannesman
Talley Spirit-80. And anything for a Star NX10 if they are still around
. . . . thanks in advance.

Gary Hildebrand
St. Joseph, MO
Received on Thu Jan 24 2002 - 17:33:28 GMT

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