Richard Erlacher said:
> If they're popular enough in .fi, perhaps we can save a few landfills
> from them by sending 'em to interested parties there.
I'm not sure about other interested parties but I've always wanted
one. Maybe some day...
> An Apple IIe is not uncommonly priced at $5 around here (I just bought
> one that had a couple of drives bundled with it for $8, though all I
> wanted was the PSU) . A IIc is not uncommon at that price either.
> It's been a while since I saw more than one ][+ in the same store, but
> those seldom cost more than $10, and usually closer to $5. I would
> estimate that the freight would exceed that amount by quite a little
> bit. Disk drives are often together with these units, though that
> propels their cost into the $10-$12 range.
The freight is a definite problem. I once bought a few HP9K/300 items
(total weight around ~400 grams) and with the freight and the currency
transfer the price tripled from the original $20. And I didn't choose
overnight UPS delivery either as it took something like a few months.
It almost seems cheaper to fly there :-)
Received on Fri Jan 25 2002 - 01:09:52 GMT