Hello from mild and almost snowless Montreal...
A recent find for $5.
NCD 88k xterm, no keyboard, no ram, no monitor...
Very little help on the web about this.
I wanna try this out, I am not sure why...
Anyways who knows the ram simms specs and where they go in this thing (unit
came with no ram) I managed to get some "normal reaction" by putting a 1M
simm in the inner most simm socket and 2 X 4M simms in the outter most
sockets. I am saying "normal reaction" cause I have still not found a
monitor that will produce stable output on this thing. I do see somekinda
"unsync-ed" POST and looks like text appearing and scrolling on screen every
approx 5 secs, imagine the term is looking to boot from somewhere...
Who can tell me more about the video output specs? Looks like mono and my
pinout seems ok 15,16,17 R,G,B and 26 TTL Vsync and 18 TTL Hsync from
looking at it with a scope...
Any help appreciated...
Received on Thu Jan 24 2002 - 22:48:50 GMT