RT 6150 Lives! (Long!)

From: Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Fri Jan 25 22:10:08 2002

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Dave McGuire wrote:

> Oh wow...I didn't know you could do that. I have a 6150 here (from
> BSD Bob) that I'd love to stick some more disk in. I will have to
> investigate this further. :)


  The most concise description of the process I've found. Although if
you use the dboot disk below, I don't think you'll need to do the SAU
format. IFAICT, there's no way around the Seagate-to-boot limitation,
but my Conner, at least, will work as a secondary, and some posts
mention Quantum & WD.
  AIX will bitch & moan till you do a dboot AND let Diags format it, to
build a bad-blocks table the VRM understands.

> I'm running 4.4BSD on mine. It's a really neat machine. I just got
> a megapel board for it (thanks Gordon!) and now I need to find a tube
> and a mouse.

  Dog! I was a day late & a dollar short asking. Concerning the tube,
the specs on the megapel's output strongly suggest that a 6091 in Mode 1
will do, an HP 9875[1-4]A or most any sync-on-green multi-sync.
Concerning the cable, is the Megapel output the same 3W3 as the older
RS/6000 adapters have? If so, I've never found an IBM cable for my
RS6ks, but a DEC 3W3 works great if you swap Blue & Red. They're common
as dirt, too.

Received on Fri Jan 25 2002 - 22:10:08 GMT

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