RT 6150 Lives! (Long!)

From: Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Fri Jan 25 22:12:58 2002

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 1/25/2002 6:28:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> mcguire_at_neurotica.com writes:

> Mine runs AIX 2.2.1, but just in mono and I need a 6157 controller card so I
> can use my tape drive. I think my RT has a 286 development board in it and I
> have the software to run it still wrapped up. I might have to power it up and
> see what i've been missing.

  Wanna trade something (not RT stuff; I got no spares) for the 286
board? I'm still totally enthralled by the whole emulation trip.

Received on Fri Jan 25 2002 - 22:12:58 GMT

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