Bell & Howell Apple II update

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Sun Jan 27 18:48:27 2002

--- Richard Erlacher <> wrote:
> BTW, that MASS-11 was claimed to work on the PC in the same way as it
> worked under VMS, but it didn't...

I wrote:
> > Even the accountants still used MASS-11 for wordprocessing and
> > VAX MAIL for e-mail, even though they had a PC...

I didn't mean to suggest that we used MASS-11 on the PC - we only used
it on the 11/750. It was a dog, but since we had daisy-wheel printers,
the output was quite acceptable. We mostly wrote sales letters and
end-user documentation with it anyway, well within its abilities.


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Received on Sun Jan 27 2002 - 18:48:27 GMT

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