On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:
Hey Bill, been awhile since I've seen any posts from you, guess you are
still around afterall...
> Only thing is, you *HAVE* to pick it up, *IN PERSON*. I"m tired of
> people saying they'll arrange something, have someone come by, etc.
> Its up for grabs for the first person who shows up and can actually
> put this stuff to use, or emails me with a *convincing* reason why I
> should hold/ship it for them and has something to trade for what they
> want.
> Third, I have a pair of IBM P70 portable (486?) systems with orange
> plasma displays. When I got these, one powered up but gave a "bad HD"
> error code, one didnt power up at all. I attempted to swap out the
> hard drives between the two, but after I tried that, neither would
> power up. I beleive they are both missing the back system cover, but
> would be great for replacement parts to keep another P70 running.
These are actually 386 aren't they?
> Again, free, but you must pick these up in Austin, TX, at my house.
> I will NOT ship anything (unless you have a REALLY good trade offer,
> and pay for shipping). If you want something held, you will have to
> trade me something interesting for what you want.
> I'm tired of people telling me "oh, I'll pick those up soon" or "I'll
> have $relative who lives near there contact you", etc.
> First come, first serve. I need this stuff out of the way, but its
> too good to trash..
Maybe it is wrong of me to take this to the list, but I feel offended by
this email. If you ask anyone who knows me well, I'm more or less very
easy going, and don't offend too easily.
On to the point... You promised me the pair of P70 systems quite some time
ago, but seem to be nearly impossible to get in contact with. I did pass
on the contact information you gave me to my uncle who lives not all that
far from you. He told me he feels bad because he has tried to make contact
with you time after time, but has not been able to reach you (left
messages, (with your wife?), and so on.)
Now maybe I've taken this totally out of context, or there is just some
miscommunication going on, but I haven't been able to get a response from
you directly anytime recently, and your email here feels very offensive.
Received on Fri Jul 05 2002 - 03:41:29 BST
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