If you truly succeed in upgrading the memory board from 64K to 256K
chips, be sure to let us know. I seem to recall that it's impossible!
(The required signals aren't on the board?).
Are you sure it's Pro/Venix and not Venix/Pro? (If it's Venix/Pro,
the root password may be "gnomes".) If you do have floppies for
Pro/Venix, again please let us know. I don't know of any surviving
Version 1 Pro/Venix floppies. (Venix/Pro is easily available on the
'Net.) Version 1 Pro/Venix floppies should be put in the Ancient
Unix archive.
Ethan Dicks wrote:
> Still playing with my Professional 3xx boxes. Managed to clean one
> memory board of 8264 chips; will populate with 50256s when I locate
> my bag of 16 pin sockets. On the software side, I managed to get
> my RD51 with Pro/Venix 1.0 up and running on a 640KB Pro350. It was
> a gift some years ago; the donor even brought it by my house - no
> pickup! He didn't recall the root password, so I stuck it in the back
> of the basement and only recently dug it out.
> So... even though I have the manuals, it's not obvious how to get
> a Pro to enter single-user mode. Any suggestions? Barring that,
> I suppose I could wipe and re-install, but I'd like to poke around
> to see what's on the disk first.
> Thanks,
> -ethan
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cctech mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 08 2002 - 18:21:04 BST