--- "David C. Jenner" <djenner_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> If you truly succeed in upgrading the memory board from 64K to 256K
> chips, be sure to let us know. I seem to recall that it's impossible!
> (The required signals aren't on the board?).
According to the Pro FAQ, it's possible. There's a "W1" and "W2"
jumper you have to populate (marked on the top of the board). I
presume that's the missing address line (i.e., it's NC for 64kbit
chips and connected for 256kbit chips).
As I said, I've cleaned off the old chips. I haven't found my bag
of machined pin sockets that I bought at Dayton. Should be close
to the top of the pile, though. As a side note, does anyone have
a good source for surplus/inexpensive machined pin IC sockets? I'd
be happy with just the pins (they were sold in strips, but I forget
the brand name). I lack 8-pin, 14-pin and 16-pin sockets. I have
a quantity of 20-pin sockets and a pad or two of 22-pin "skinny DIPs"
that were surplus from Software Results (PAL sockets). Wouldn't mind
some 40-pin sockets, either.
> Are you sure it's Pro/Venix and not Venix/Pro?
No. Not sure. You are probably right. I don't think it's anything
rare and special.
> (If it's Venix/Pro, the root password may be "gnomes".)
I know about that password (googling for "venix root password" will
find it). It didn't work. :-( I'm back to either finding a way
to single-user mode or wiping and re-installing the OS.
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Received on Tue Jul 09 2002 - 01:22:01 BST