At 03:37 PM 7/11/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>Thanks for the advice, Tom.
>I knew I had forgotten a few things.
> > Have you tried to read the DL11-W status register?
> > Do you only get the PAUSE on a deposit?
>Did a reset and then EXAM on 1777560 (CSR) --> PAUSE goes on
Can you examine the bootstrap ROMs on your M9312? This should
fall in the UNIBUS space as well (I would think), but is at the front
of the bus, so if you can talk to it, perhaps the CPU is OK, but there
is just a grant problem down stream.
> > As you indicate, checking the power supply voltages is
> > an important first step.
>Agreed, but I could not do that yesterday evening when I
>thought of it, because the washing machine was also running ...
Did you catch your washing machine;-) Just curious what the washing
machine has to do with checking your power supply voltage? The
voltages you want to check are the DC +5, +15, -15, etc. Also you
ought to check the ACLO and DCLO signals. I had a case where the
regulator board in my lower h7420a was asserting ACLO when in fact
all of the voltages were fine.
> > It sounds like you might have a bus request/grant jumper problem or
> > problem in the CPU hardware. Since you are using slot 40 (the first
> > UNIBUS slot) for your DL11-W, it would seem that the problem would
> > be either in the MASSBUS jumpers or a CPU hardware problem. Of
> > course, it could also be a backplane wire problem.
>Looks like it :-(
If the bootstrap test above works out, then I would consider removing
the various MASSBUS cards and putting in the grant cards, just to
eliminate any possible problems that they may be causing.
> > Have you tried to execute a very simple program such as jump to
> > self (0777) by depositing that value at location 01000 and starting
> > there? This is a good basic CPU test.
>Yes, that was the other test I forgot to write.
>This test is also succesfull.
> > Do you have a KM11 diagnostic board? Using the KM11, you can
> > cycle through the microcode flows listed in the printset. This will
> > help you diagnose the problem at a finer level then just watching
> > the pause lamp turn on. Of course, you will likely need a set of
> > board extenders and minimally an o-scope as well. If you don't
> > have a KM11 and want to build one, check out the one I built here:
> >
> >
>Nice pages. Had seen them before, but lost the URL ...
>I hope that I do not have to dig in that deep, but I have a quad and
>a double sized extender board and a good Tektronix 465.
>If building the KM11 was the problem, I did not have a problem.
>To build something as simple as that is a "piece of cake".
>- Henk.
Thanks. Yes, it is a "simple" board, but without it, it can be very
difficult to locate CPU problems...
> > At 09:31 AM 7/11/2002 +0200, you wrote:
> > >Hi all.
> > >
> > >I am having trouble with my 11/70 because it works only partial.
> > >Since things are quiet on the list, I have something to ask.
> > >It is a long story, but as said on the list this week, the more
> > >info you give, the less not relevant suggestions are typed.
> > >
> > >First the description of the machine.
> > >The machine has only all CPU boards (with FP), the DL11-W and
> > >3 MASSBUSS interfaces. The fourth MASSBUS interface has in the
> > >correct slot a G727. All other UNIBUS slots have a G727 in the
> > >card position D. The MOS memory box is also connected to the CPU.
> > >
> > >This is what I have done so far.
> > >When I turn on the machine everything "looks" fine. With the switch
> > >ENABLE/HALT on HALT and pressing START, the machine sort of resets.
> > >With the panel I can dump data in the MOS memory at address 00000000.
> > >I did this also at 00001000 and 00010000. It 'works' and when I read
> > >the contents back from those addresses, it is the correct data.
> > >So, my first conclusion is that (part of) the CPU is OK and that the
> > >address and data path to the MOS memory and the MOS memory box itself
> > >are all OK as well.
> > >
> > >Here is the part that worries me.
> > >In slot #40 (IIRC) is the DL11-W (M7856) console interface.
> > >I am trying to write to the transmit buffer address (XBUF -
> > 17777566).
> > >I set the knobs on the 11/70 console to "CONS PHY" and "DATA
> > >so that the address on the switches is the real physical address and
> > >the data on the switches is what I want to store.
> > >After the reset of the machine (HALT/START) I set the switches to
> > >17777566, and press LOAD ADRS. On the ADDRESS leds appears 17777566.
> > >Now, I set the switches to 00000071 (should give a "9" on the VT220).
> > >When I toggle the DEP button, the PAUSE led goes on.
> > >According to the handbook that means the the CPU tries to finish the
> > >instruction as far as possible and then waits for an event to finish.
> > >The event could be (I assume) an interrupt or, in this case, access
> > >to the UNIBUS section.
> > >
> > >Next test was checking the DL11-W interface.
> > >First I switched on my 11/34C. With address 165020/START, I get the
> > >dump of the registers on the VT102. So, I mad sure that the M7856
> > >in the 11/34C is OK.
> > >Now, I swapped the M7856 of the 11/70 with the M7856 of the 11/34C.
> > >First, I started the 11/34C again. I get the register dump on the
> > >screen. So, the M7856 from the 11/70 was OK.
> > >Just to make sure I tried the 11/70 again (with M7856 of the 34C),
> > >but I get the same result: PAUSE led goes on.
> > >
> > >Yesterday, I had a long conversation on the phone with Edward. We
> > >talk about all kind of (PDP-11) things, and also the 11/70 problem.
> > >One suggestion was that the UNIBUS map is not yet initialised, and
> > >that would cause the UNIBUS accesses to fail. My guess is that when
> > >the console panel knob is set to "CONS PHY", I have full access to
> > >all addresses without any mapping taking place. Is this correct?
> > >
> > >Anyway, to test the "UNIBUS map initialisation" theory, I read the
> > >M9312 bootstrap manual. The 11/70 (and 11/60) have a different PROM
> > >that stores the diagnostics. The 11/04--11/55 PROM also contains a
> > >console monitor, but the 60 and 70 PROM only has diagnostics.
> > >The manuals says to load address 17765744, then set the switches
> > >8-0 to the device code and then press START.
> > >I checked the M9312 to look at the diag PROM. According the M9312
> > >manual the PROM code must be 248F1 (IIRC) for the 11/04-11/55, and
> > >233F1 for the 11/60-11/70. My M9312 has a PROM with code 616F1.
> > >Is that a new type for the 11/70? The M9312 is the card that was
> > >in the 11/70 when I got it, and another 11/70 (with remote console)
> > >that I have has the same PROM. Edward's 11/70's (he has also 2)
> > >one has a 233F1, the other has a 616F1.
> > >So, I did that test, but the PAUSE led goes on again.
> > >
> > >Trying to boot from an RX01 should need at least the RX11 card in
> > >a UNIBUS slot ... I did that, so I put the M7846 in slot 41 (IIRC),
> > >next to the DL11-W. Tried the test again: 17765744 - LOAD ADRS - set
> > >the device code on switches 8 to 0 - START. Alas, PAUSE on again.
> > >
> > >What puzzles me is the "device code" you must set on the 9 least
> > >significant switches. I have set that to 170 as that are the LSB's
> > >of the start address fro the bootstrap of the RX11. Is that correct?
> > >
> > >Come to think of the good advice from Tony: I will check the
> > >power supply voltages this evening. Especially the one that supplies
> > >the cards that deal with the UNIBUS section ...
> > >
> > >tnx for reading all this,
> > >and TIA for all responses,
> > >
> > >- Henk.
> >
> >
Received on Thu Jul 11 2002 - 09:02:01 BST