Hi all:
I have the following which I'd like to sell:
1> VR201-C PRO or Rainbow monitor - no burn visible
but I can't test it without a Pro or Rainbow.
2> Amdek Color II Plus compatible CGA/EGA monitor -
working no burn - built April 1984.
3> IBM 5154, M/N 5154001 PC EGA monitor - works but
has a failing transformer - no burn - built 07 1987
I'd like to get $10 OBO for each, plus shipping.
-- Frank
= M O N T V A L E S O F T W A R E S E R V I C E S P. C.=
Clayton Frank Helvey, President
Montvale Software Services, P. C.
P.O. Box 840
Blue Ridge, VA 24064-0840
Phone: 540.947.5364 Email: msspcva_at_yahoo.com
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Received on Thu Jul 18 2002 - 17:27:01 BST