On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Doc Shipley wrote:
> > So let me get this straight. I have a 128D, with an external 1541.
> > Assuming that the 6-pin DIN male-male cable that came with it is right,
> > I can format a DSDD floppy in the 1541, and read files from a 360k DOS
> > floppy to the Commodore-formatted disk.
> NO.
> > I can format a DSDD floppy in the 1541,
> You could use DSDD floppies that were intended for PC use as BLANKS to be
> reformatted SSGCR in the 1541 for Com use.
> > in the 1541,
> > and read files from a 360k DOS
> > floppy to the Commodore-formatted disk.
> The 1541 is SINGLE SIDED and GCR.
> The "360K DOS floppy" is DOUBLE SIDED and MFM.
> You can NOT "read files from a 360K DOS floppy" in a 1541.
> There is no usable overlap between what can be read or written with the
> 1541 and what can be read or written with the PC disk controller.
> Instead, you should look for a 1571, which is capable of doing MFM.
> With appropriate additional software, it could read or write DOS
> diskettes, or read or write a SHORT LIST of MFM CP/M formats (including
> Kaypro and Osborne DD), which the PC can read and write with appropriate
> additional software.
Please note that Fred speaks to Osborne DD format disks. It is unlikely
that your PC floppy controller can read/write SD.
- don
> Or do a serial transfer or connect a Comm drive to a PC, using X1541
> cable or a IEEE488 board.
> > In my googling for the pinout of the above-mentioned cable, I came
> > across some plans & software to attach a 1541 drive to a PCs parallel
> > port. Has anybody tried it?
> Sorry, I haven't used X1541, but I have heard that it can be made to work.
> --
> Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
> XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
Received on Thu Jul 18 2002 - 18:10:12 BST