The first pages of the new ClassicCmp web site are up. It isn't much, but at
least the correct instructions/forms for subscribing are there. Expect more
in time. The site will be kept simple and (mostly) text-only, just like its
predecessor. Comments/criticism are welcome.
A few issues have popped up for people who are subscribed to both cctalk and
cctech. To solve these, the following changes will be made shortly. These
changes will _only_ affect people who are subscribed to _both_ cctalk and
- People who haven't disabled mail delivery for either list will be
unsubscribed from cctech. This stops duplicate mail.
- People who have disabled mail delivery for cctech only will be
unsubscribed from cctech. This stops off-topic messages sent to cctalk
from forwarding to cctech without moderation.
- People who have disabled mail delivery for cctalk only will be
unsubscribed from cctalk. Other methods are in place to make their cctech
posts forward to cctalk.
- People who have disbled mail delivery for both cctalk and cctech will be
unsubscribed from cctech. This prevents any issues if/when they decide to
get ClassicCmp mail again.
With the recent list changes, subscription to both cctalk and cctech is
unnecessary and can create problems.
Jeffrey Sharp
The email address is for mailing list traffic. Please
send off-list mail to roach jay ess ess at wasp subatomix beetle dot com.
You may need to remove some bugs first.
Received on Sat Jul 20 2002 - 14:44:32 BST